Working Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm | Saturday 8:30am – 12:30pm | Sunday Closed

Monthly Archives: July 2021

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Motor Vehicle Disposal

TENDER NO.KTS/001/D06/2020.

Kitui Teachers SACCO now invites sealed bids for DISPOSAL OF A MOTOR VEHICLE as tabulated below.

Viewing of the item will be done by arrangement with procurement unit during working hours (between 9:00 am-

Viewing of the item will be done by arrangement with procurement unit during working hours
(between 9:00 am-4:00pm) until 16/02/2021.

Tender documents can be obtained from Head office located at Kitui Teachers SACCO PLAZA Kitui town on your way to Nairobi or downloaded below.

The bid clearly marked KTS/001/D01/2021 should be send to the:

Kitui Teachers Sacco LTD
P.O BOX 254

And drop it to the administrative secretaries’ office at KITUI TEACHERS PLAZA, KITUI-KALUNDU ROAD on or before 12:00 noon February, 17 2021. Upon payment of non-refundable fee of kshs 1,000/=.

Kindly note that Kitui Teachers is not bound to accept the highest or any bid or give any reason thereof.

Categories News

Requests for Proposal – Core Banking System

Dear Bidder,KITUI TEACHERS SACCO invites proposals for: – supply, implementation, testing and Commissioning of a core banking system.Bidders will be selected on a Quality and Cost Based Selection basis and the procedures described in this RFP.The Bidder will attach a declaration in the proposal, that they are not barred from participating in procurement proceedings and that they will not engage in any corrupt practice as per the attached declaration form.Bidders must prepare separate proposals for Technical and Financial proposals in separate envelopes and put these inside an outer envelope marked: – REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR SUPPLY, IMPLEMENTATION, and TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF A CORE BANKING SYSTEM.The original and two copies of the tender must be addressed to: CHAIRMAN Kitui Teachers Sacco LTD P.O BOX 254 KITUI. Please register by sending an email to with the bid title as the subject and the Bidder name, address, and contact details in the body of the email. Any questions or clarifications by vendors may be directed to this email and the response shall be sent out to all vendors either through email or posted directly or as an addendum on Sacco’s website. All clarifications should be sought by email. Tenders must be dropped in the tender box located on the ICT office, Kitui on or before at Tuesday, 11th May 2021 at 12.00 noon. The tender box will be opened on Tuesday, 11th May 2021 at 12.00 noon by the tender opening committee in the presence of the candidates’ representatives who choose to attend, for acknowledgment of receipt of the bids. This activity shall take place in the Boardroom of KITUI TEACHERS SACCO PLAZA, KITUI TOWN. Download RFP Document here